Hello, I am Luis!

Talented Drupal Web Developer

Let's get more info

My Story

At 11 years old the love for the websites and their tricky misteries got me. I was hooked! I created websites on FrontPage and a few years later I choose JS and PHP as my program languages.

At 13 years old I've launched my personal website, not always this cool, but still, it was very cool.

The years have passed, and a lot of projects were created. Either they were just for me, to learn and get used to the languages, to school works, internships, work or as a freelancer, I had fun and learned a lot in every single one.

And that's why 10 years later my personal website is still here. This is not only my profession but also my hobby.

I worked with: Sporting Clube de Portugal, Sumol+Compal, Teixeira Duarte and ROFF.

Luis Pimentel Lopes

Luis Pimentel Lopes

Drupal Developer & Systems Administrator


What a number can tell you about me... See for yourself


Clients & Companies




Hours of Drupal development


Years of professional experience


What can I do for you

IT Advisory

Find problems
Advise on viable solutions
Test ideas and concepts


Drupal 9 and 10
Drupal Commerce
Custom module development
API integration

IT Consulting

Solve problems
Develop ideas


Feel free to contact me